Mon - Sat 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
Sundays On-Call service for urgent cases
Home visits available upon request



If anyone has suffered through rehab, of any type, then you most likely ended up in the wrong place. I have been doing rehab and follow up treatments, for various reasons, with Jen Littler, since 2018.
Jen can immediately zero in on the problem, offer a solution and has all of the up to date tools to help.
As I am a client and will remain a client, I strongly suggest you reach out to Jen at her new clinic Physioworx and make your life much more comfortable.


After suffering a TBI when he was just 8 year old, my son was seen by a number of pediatric physiotherapists both on and off island.
We felt that the sessions were merely ticking boxes and insurance claims were being lodged. We were then lucky to find Jen and since then she has gone over and above to ensure each session is matched to his changing needs. Her in-depth medical knowledge is matched with her compassion.
A level of trust and respect has now been reached, with Jen now being our go to resource for his continuing needs. We are delighted to see her finally in her own practice and wholeheartedly recommend her services


Jen consistently helps me maximize my mobility and assists in keeping limits on the severe pain that I experience in the midst of the complex medical challenges I have faced for decades. She’s equally talented with short term injury recovery. She is deeply knowledgeable in her practice and is dedicated to her patients in ways that go above and beyond. I couldn’t recommend her more highly.

Dr Janish G

Exceptional physiotherapist! Over the years, she's successfully treated my neck, shoulder, and back issues with a blend of acupuncture and various hands-on and coaching methods. Her humor and intelligence make every session enjoyable. Highly recommended!

Kay K

I met Jennifer when she began working with my step-father, “RK”. He had a serious fall when on travel to Hong Kong and broke his hip, so Jennifer would assist in providing daily physical therapy services at my house. My step-father could be a very challenging person, and I watched as he took advantage of the other therapists. After that, I requested Jennifer only. She continued to diligently work with my step-father to get him up and able to walk with a walker. He had become completely self-mobilized by the time he had his next heart surgery.
Meanwhile, my mother who had end-staged dementia, caught a very serious bacterial infection. I had been told by the doctors at Georgetown Hospital to prepare myself for her death – which I was utterly unable to accept. After 9 days at the hospital (5 of which were in intensive care), my mom showed signed of recovery. However, she had literally forgotten how to walk. One doctor told me to just put her in the Pines since she didn’t have long. I discussed the situation with Jennifer and we worked out a daily treatment plan from home once my mom was released. Within two (2) weeks, my mother was able to walk again with only the guidance of a caregiver by her side. Jennifer gave my mother and I a miracle.
After this hospitalization of my mom, Jennifer worked with our whole family. My step-father had another heart surgery and had recovery from that on top of his leg injury. Jennifer continued to work with my mom on balance and strength. She also began treating me after a neck and shoulder injury while helping my step-father to get into a car for dialysis. I suffer from fibromyalgia so my pain was particularly intense, so her work with me was essential in order to keep be ready and able to meet the care needs of my parents.
One day my step-father had another fall right before Jennifer’s home visit. He was denying he fell, despite having a huge hematoma on his right side. At the time, my step-father was refusing to go to A&E, but Jennifer suspected something more problematic was happening. It was her tenacity that ensured that he was taken into the emergency room on his way to dialysis. The doctors ultimately determined he had had a mini-stroke(and potentially a series of them). My mother died on March 3, 2021. Jennifer made daily home visits as my mom started having breathing challenges, and would stay for hours after her work day to make sure I was supported too. Her generosity and kindness are a rarity, I cannot recommend Jennifer any higher than to say she has been an Angel on earth for my whole family.


Jennifer (Jen) is the best physiotherapist on the island (I have many spinal issues including repeated spinal surgeries, and have unfortunately experienced some extremely unhelpful and money focused physiotherapists on the island). Jen is patient focused, friendly and professional. She helped me to understand the causes of my problem and what I could do to alleviate the pain, I was shown exercises which fit perfectly into my daily routine and which were quick and targeted the problem exactly. Jen can use logic to piece together solutions, often from limited information, I would recommend Jen my family and friends.
Thank you for all your support over the years Jen!


After enduring various painful shoulder injuries through competitive swimming my daughter was seen by Jen just before she turned 16 years old. She was passionate about swimming but the nature of her injuries made it incredibly hard for her body to keep up with demands of the sport, so she had to begin to step back from it which was incredibly difficult for her.
The year after sustaining injuries to her shoulders she developed widespread chronic pain that affected majority of her joints, along with other complex symptoms. We saw multiple health care professionals on island and they were stumped on how best to help her and what to diagnose her with.
She was incredibly frustrated by it all and she really just needed someone to listen to her. Jen was the first person who really listened to her and understood how difficult this was for her. She gave her unconditional support and compassion as she had to learn how to navigate life with widespread chronic pain which impacted her day-to-day life.
Jen is incredibly knowledgeable about complex chronic pain management and went out of her way to help my daughter. She spoke with her consultants regarding management plans, she got in touch with her coaches to let them know of her limitations due to pain and she even got her interested in scuba diving, which is now one of her passions.
When she was completing her final year of A Levels her pain increased to a whole new level and she ended up on crutches for about 2 months due to very severe hip and leg pain which turned out to be Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. She had to completely stop swimming and went 5 months without being able to scuba dive.
Jen was there for her through it all and was continuously working with us to find solutions and ways to reduce the amount of pain she was in, as well teaching her self-management strategies. At the same time Jen recognised how hard this whole process was for my daughter and treated with her so much compassion and respect. I really appreciate the level of empathy she displayed and also for keeping my up to date with everything as well.
We ended up having to take her to a rehabilitation programme in America for 2 months for diagnostics and intensive exercise therapy to get her well enough to leave island in time for her first year of university. Even when we were off island, the unconditional care and support we received from Jen was absolutely amazing.
As a result of all of this Jen has created a fantastic rapport and friendship with my daughter, that means so much to her. I could not recommend her enough.